In a severe acute exacerbation of asthma explain the pathogenesis that results in widespread expiratory wheezes and dyspnoea.

Assessment 2: Concept Map and Guided Question Response
Guided Questions
Question 1. (500 words) (Learning outcomes 1 and 2)
In a severe acute exacerbation of asthma explain the pathogenesis that results in widespread expiratory wheezes and dyspnoea.
Question 2. (200 words) (Learning outcome 3)
Discuss two high priority nursing strategies used to manage a child with a severe acute exacerbation of asthma and provide rationales for these strategies.
Question 3. (300 words) (Learning outcome 3)
To manage a severe acute exacerbation of asthma in a child continuous nebulised salbutamol is given. Three doses of ipratropium is added to the nebuliser at 20 minute intervals.
a) Discuss the mode of action of each of these drugs (salbutamol and ipratropium) relating to the underlying pathogenesis.
b) Relating your answer to the pharmacology of the two drugs, discuss nursing implications including how you will monitor and respond to adverse effects and how you will evaluate the therapeutic effect.
When answering questions:
• Responses are to use full sentences, paragraphs, correct spelling and grammar.
• All sources to be referenced using APA style.
• There is a word limit of 1000 words for the assignment. Each question has been allocated a word limit .Use your computer to total the number of words used in each question. In-text citations will be included in the additional 10% word count. If you exceed the word limit by more than 10% the marker will stop marking at:
500 words plus 10% in question 1
200 words plus 10% in question 2
300 words plus 10% in question 3
Please use 2-3 journal articles all reference must not be more then five years old.
Aim of assessment
The purpose of this assessment is to enable students to:
1.    Explain in visual format (concept map) the causes, pathogenesis, clinical manifestations, diagnostic procedures, management, course, prognosis and prevention of a severe acute exacerbation of childhood asthma. (Learning outcome 1)
2.    Discuss nursing strategies and evidence-based rationales to manage a child with a severe acute exacerbation of asthma. (Learning outcome 4)
3.    Describe the nursing role and responsibilities in the use of pharmacological interventions related to a severe acute exacerbation of asthma. (Learning outcome 3)
Severe acute exacerbation of childhood asthma and answer three questions related to a severe acute exacerbation of asthma.  References are to include at least three (3) recent, relevant journal articles as well as textbook material and evidencebased resources.
Guided Questions
Question 1.  (500 words) (Learning outcomes 1 and 2)
In a severe acute exacerbation of asthma explain the pathogenesis that results in widespread expiratory wheezes and dyspnoea.
Question 2.  (200 words)  (Learning outcome 3)
Discuss two high priority nursing strategies used to manage a child with a severe acute exacerbation of asthma and provide rationales for these strategies.
Question 3. (300 words) (Learning outcome 3)
To manage a severe acute exacerbation of asthma in a child continuous nebulised salbutamol is given. Three doses of ipratropium is added to the nebuliser at 20 minute intervals.
a)    Discuss the mode of action of each of these drugs (salbutamol and ipratropium) relating to the underlying pathogenesis.
b)    Relating your answer to the pharmacology of the two drugs, discuss nursing implications including how you will monitor and respond to adverse effects and how you will evaluate the therapeutic effect.
When answering questions:
•    Responses are to use full sentences, paragraphs, correct spelling and grammar.
•    All sources to be referenced using APA style.
•    There is a word limit of 1000 words for the assignment. Each question has been allocated a word limit .Use your computer to total the number of words used in each question. In-text citations will be included in the additional 10% word count. If you exceed the word limit by more than 10% the marker will stop marking at:
500 words plus 10% in question 1
200 words plus 10% in question 2
300 words plus 10% in question 3
Criteria     Mark     High Distinction     Distinction     Credit     Pass     Fail
Demonstrates comprehensive and detailed knowledge of the pathogenesis of an acute exacerbation of asthma that leads to a widespread expiratory wheeze and dyspnoea.     /20     Analyses information from a discerning selection of sources and provides an accurate and clear explanation of the pathogenesis of an acute exacerbation of asthma that leads to a widespread expiratory wheeze and dyspnoea. Synthesises the information effectively and in own words.     Analyses information from a discerning selection of sources and accurately explains the pathogenesis that leads to a widespread expiratory wheeze and dyspnoea in an acute exacerbation of asthma. Mostly synthesises the information effectively and in own words.     Analyses information from relevant sources and generally provides an accurate explanation of an acute exacerbation of asthma that leads to a widespread expiratory wheeze and dyspnoea. However, some information is incomplete and relationship of pathogenesis to expiratory wheeze and dyspnoea may lack clarity.     Using information from relevant references provides a basic description of the pathogenesis of an acute exacerbation of asthma with some links to expiratory wheeze and dyspnoea. There may be minor inaccuracies, omissions or repetition of information, lack of clarity or logical flow of the process.     Using one or two references gives a superficial description of the pathogenesis of an acute exacerbation of asthma with a number of significant inaccuracies, repetition or lack of clarity. Has not accurately related the expiratory wheeze or  dyspnoea accurately to the pathogenesis. (4-7)
predominantly copied or quoted from inappropriate sources such as non-authoritative web sites, Wikipedia, encyclopaedias or
dictionaries with little evidence of
understanding. (0-3.5)
17-20     15-16.5     13-24.5     10-12.5     =9.5
Accurately identifies two high priority nursing strategies used to manage a child with a severe acute exacerbation of asthma and explains the rationales for these strategies based on current evidence.     /10     Accurately identifies two high priority nursing strategies used to manage a child with a severe acute exacerbation of asthma and based on evidence accurately and clearly explains the rationales.     Accurately identifies two high priority nursing strategies used to manage an a severe acute exacerbation of asthma and states accurate rationales based on evidence.     Identifies two high priority nursing strategies to manage a child with a severe acute exacerbation of asthma and provides accurate rationales for the management but not clearly evidence based.     Identifies two nursing strategies to manage a child with a severe acute exacerbation of asthma and provides basic rationales for the strategies.     Does not accurately and clearly identify two nursing strategies to manage a child with a severe acute exacerbation of asthma and provides little or inaccurate explanation of rationales
8.5-10     7.5-8     6.5-7     5-6     =4.5
Criteria     Mark     High Distinction     Distinction     Credit     Pass     Fail
Accurately and clearly explains the mechanism of action of salbutamol and ipratropium bromide relating to the underlying pathogenesis of an acute exacerbation of asthma.     /10     Analyses information from a discerning selection of sources and comprehensively and accurately discusses the mechanism of action of a) salbutamol and b) ipratropium bromide relating to the underlying pathogenesis.     Analyses information from a discerning selection of sources and accurately discusses the mechanism of action of salbutamol and ipratropium bromide relating to the underlying pathogenesis.     .Accurately explains the mechanism of action of salbutamol and ipratropium bromide
relating to the underlying pathogenesis. However response may lack some relevant information or clarity.     Provides a basic explanation of the mechanism of action of salbutamol and ipratropium bromide relating to the underlying pathogenesis. The answer may not be clearly related to the pathogenesis, contain inaccuracies or lack clarity.     The mechanism of action of salbutamol and ipratropium bromide is
incomplete or inaccurate
with little or no relationship to the underlying pathogenesis.
8.5-10     7.5-8     6.5-7     5-6     =4.5
Accurately discusses nursing implications (monitoring for and responding to adverse effects and evaluating therapeutic effect) when administering salbutamol and ipratropium bromide to a child with a severe acute exacerbation of asthma.     /5     Identifies adverse effects of salbutamol and ipratropium bromide and comprehensively and accurately discusses how to monitor for and respond to any adverse effects. Accurately explains how to evaluate the therapeutic effect.     Identifies adverse effects of salbutamol and ipratropium bromide and accurately discusses how to monitor for and respond to any adverse effects .Accurately explains how to evaluate the therapeutic effect.     Identifies adverse effects of salbutamol and ipratropium bromide and discusses how to monitor and respond to adverse effects. Explains how to evaluate the therapeutic effect.
Response may lack some relevant information or clarity in explanation.     Identifies adverse effects of salbutamol and ipratropium bromide and includes some discussion on monitoring and responding to adverse effects. Basic explanation of evaluating therapeutic effect.
Answer may contain minor inaccuracies, omissions and lack of clarity.     Identifies some adverse effects. May include some discussion of nursing implications but answer contains inaccuracies, omissions and lacks clarity.
4.5-5     4     3.5     2.5-3     =2
Criteria     Mark     High Distinction     Distinction     Credit     Pass     Fail
Criteria 1
Writes in a clear and succinct academic style using correct grammar spelling and punctuation.     /5     Writes in an advanced style exhibiting highly coherent and logical flow of ideas. Organisation of material exhibits an advanced level of clarity. No errors in spelling, grammar, punctuation or sentence construction.     Writes clearly and succinctly with a coherent, logical flow of ideas exhibiting advanced clarity. No errors in spelling, punctuation, grammar or sentence construction.     Writes clearly and satisfactory use of language enables effective flow of ideas. Minor, infrequent errors in spelling, punctuation, grammar and sentence construction that do not impede flow of ideas.     Writing is reasonably clear, but limited use of language sometimes hinders the effective flow of ideas and meaning. Minor, frequent errors in spelling, punctuation, grammar and sentence construction sometimes impedes the flow of ideas.     Writes in an elementary style with very basic use
of language and poor
articulation of ideas. It
may be verbose, convoluted or difficult to read. Organisation of material and main points is unclear. The errors in spelling, punctuation, grammar and sentence construction impede meaning.
4.5-5     4     3.5     2.5-3     =2
Criteria 2
A minimum of five recent references including three journal articles is used with all sources of information clearly evident and accurately acknowledged applying conventions of in-text referencing for APA style. A complete reference list is correctly formatted according to
APA style.     /5     Referencing technique is flawless and follows APA convention both in-text and in the reference list.
Uses a discerning selection of references beyond the minimum requirements. Evidence of cited sources clear and accurate.     Referencing technique follows APA convention but contains infrequent minor errors.
Uses a discerning selection of references beyond the minimum requirements. Evidence of cited sources clear and accurate.     Referencing technique follows APA convention but contains infrequent
errors. Uses at least the minimum number of required reference. Evidence of cited sources clear and accurate.     There may be frequent errors in APA referencing convention in in-text referencing and/or the reference list. Uses at least the required number of required references. Use of cited sources not always clearly evident.     There may be absent or incorrect use of APA referencing technique. Does not use the minimum number of required references, or uses predominantly inappropriate or nonauthoritative sources. Sources of information
not correctly acknowledged.
4.5-5     4     3.5     2.5-3     =2