case study;stroke

case study;stroke
Order Description
Case Study
25 year old Camilla Jenkenson returned to her home in Melbourne last week from a holiday in Bali with a friend.
Camilla consulted her local doctor as she felt unwell. She reported that she had a fever, fatigue, shortness of breath with minimal activity, and a persistent non-productive cough. Her friend had no symptoms, and Camilla said that she and her friend did everything together including eating mostly the same meals. The only difference in the holiday was that she received a very small tattoo on her ankle (where as her friend did not).
The doctor sent Camilla to the local hospital for diagnostic testing, as she had a slight heart murmur (which she did not previously have a history of). The doctors at the hospital diagnosed bacterial endocarditis and advised Camilla that she would need to be admitted to _ hospital to commence intravenous antibiotics to treat the infection. Camilla was also advised that if her symptoms settled that she would be discharged home on long-term antibiotic therapy. Alternatively, if her symptoms did not settle she would require surgery.
Camilla was admitted to the cardiology ward and commenced on intravenous antibiotics two days ago via right PICC line. She was transferred to your ward (neurology) yesterday when she suffered a small right temporal lobe stroke.
Camilla’s family live in rural Western Australia. She has a couple of close friends in Melbourne who she met at University. Camilla is currently single, lives alone in a second-floor flat, and works full-time as an accountant.
Questions: (1)
The family of Camilla are visiting her and ask you to explain how she had a stroke at such a young.age
Your answer should include an explanation of the aetiology and pathophysiology Of Camilla’s illness
Although your answer should be written in academic format (e.g. using APA 6), the language should be written as though you are explaining the concepts to an educated patient (e.g. not straight from a text book).
question 2).
Identify and justify the Important focused assessments that you would perform on Camilla using a systems approach.
Please reference the literature to support your rationales.
questions 3).
Prioritize and discuss the two main complications would be that you would be worried that Camilla may experience within the next four weeks . Please rationalize your answers.
questions 4.)
Describe two specific nursing tools that you could use in your nursing care of a patient, such as Ms Jenkenson. Outline the rationale for your selection and reference the literature to support your rationales
for example: During Ms Jenk… inpatient stay i would use the hospital anxiety and depression scale (Zigmond & Snaith, 1983), This out come measure is compromised of two sections, one to measure anxiety and one depression,
As this patient illness been sudden and the long term affects as yet unknown, this patient is at risk of developing anxiety or depression and baseline assessment need to be record to determinate if a teraupetic interventions is required.
this is only and example how is suppose to be explained similar for this case study
need to explain
1) how she had stroke as such young age
2) and explain the aetiologi
3)and pathophysiology of the illness
4)need to identified and justified the importance and focus assessment that i need to perform on the pat using systematic approach
5)and priorities and discuss two main complication
that will occur in the next 4 weeks
6)and describe 2 specific nursing tool that could use in the nursing care and out line rational for the questions
this is what is required answering the question 1-to 4