Professionalism Incorporation Plan

Professionalism Incorporation Plan
Order Description
Professionalism Incorporation Plan (15%)
This is a personal reflective essay. You are expected to look at all the modules thus far and delineate your strengths and weaknesses related to professionalism…
remember to consider your relationship with your peers, management, patients and families, colleagues, and in general to the community when you project that you are a
nurse in your off-duty time.
You need to develop a plan for continued professional growth and incorporate it into this paper – see the article by Cooper for more information about Professional
Development Plans.
This assignment will be handed in via a Microsoft Office Word Document in formal APA Format (1 inch margins, Double-spaced, Times New Roman 12 pt. font, Title Page –
No Abstract Required, at least one reference – may be the Cooper article, the Blais text, or another appropriate source of your choosing). It is okay to use the
first-person voice in this assignment.
Rubric for Professionalism Incorporation Plan:
Points Possible- Criteria
25 Delineate your Professional Strengths and Weaknesses
15 Address your relationships with Peers, Management, Patients and Families, other Healthcare Providers, Colleagues, and the General Community when you are not ‘on-
15 Denote Current Activities in which you participate that promote Professionalism
35 Create a Plan for Continued Professional Growth
10 APA format, grammar, spelling
Module One Course and Learning Objectives
Module One Course Objectives:
Our main focus is History, Ethics/Legal Background, and Political Advocacy.
1. Analyze demographic and societal trends, as well as the health and political advocacy responses of various professional organizations as monitored via a
technological networking medium.
2. Distinguish between the roles and perspectives of the nursing profession, and other health professions, through an understanding of the historical and contemporary
issues affecting inter-professional and intra-professional practice.
3. Examine the critical elements of interdisciplinary and interdisciplinary professional communication while recognizing one’s personal bias that may impact effective
communication and ultimately the ability to deliver safe, quality care.
Module One Learning Objectives:
1. Discuss the transition to the professional role as it pertains to changes that have occurred in the profession of nursing.
2. Discuss the historical development and influences of religion and war on nursing.
3. Discuss the role of professional nursing organizations in nursing.
4. Discuss the ethical and legal implications of nursing in terms of the advocacy role
Module overview 1:
In this module, you will begin to explore professionalism in terms of historical, ethical, and legal foundations. You will also explore the nurse as a political
Module Two Course and Learning Objectives
Module Two Course Objectives:
Our main focus is Definition and Roles, Learning and Teaching, and Technology and Informatics
1. Analyze demographic and societal trends, as well as the health and political advocacy responses of various professional organizations as monitored via a
technological networking medium.
2. Provide rationale, using professional standards, about the value of continued professional growth and development (lifelong learning and practice excellence), not
only for one’s self, but also in mentoring others.
Module Two Learning Objectives:
1. Discuss socialization and professionalism of nursing.
2. Explain the role of the nurse in providing effective teaching and learning approaches.
3. Describe current trends and issues related to nursing informatics.
Module Two Introduction
In this module, you will explore socialization to professional nursing roles, nurse as learner and teacher, and touch on technology and informatics.
This knowledge will be gained through required course readings, outside course readings, and activities.
You will apply this new knowledge from Module 1 and 2 to the completion of the Trends and Issues discussion board as it applies to your selected professional
organization. (the AMSN)
Module Three Course and Learning Objectives
Module Three Course Objectives:
Our main focus is Nursing Theorists and Professionalism, Research and Professionalism.
1. Integrate the key attributes of professional identity and image (articulation of the knowledge, skills, and attitudes of the nursing profession as well as attention
to appearance, demeanor, respect for self and others, and attention to professional boundaries).
2. Distinguish between the roles and perspectives of the nursing profession, and other health professions, through an understanding of the historical and contemporary
issues affecting inter-professional and intra-professional practice.
3. Examine the critical elements of interdisciplinary and interdisciplinary professional communication while recognizing one’s personal bias that may impact effective
communication and ultimately the ability to deliver safe, quality care.
Module Three Learning Objectives:
1. Apply nursing theory as it relates to personal beliefs regarding professionalism and nursing.
2. Discuss nursing theory as it applies to current work situation.
3. Apply selected nursing theory to a professional nursing organization as it pertains to the organization’s mission, vision, philosophy, and other scientific
4. Discuss the nurse’s role in research and evidence-based practice.
5. Identify resources that are available to support nursing research and evidence-based practice.
Module Three Introduction
In this module, you will explore the theoretical foundations of professional nursing and gain new insight on the nurse as a research consumer. This knowledge will be
gained through required course readings and outside course readings and activities.
You will apply this new knowledge to the completion of the Theory Discussion Board as it applies to your selected professional organization (AMSN and the Virginia
Henderson Nursing Theory was chosen)
Module Four Course and Learning Objectives
Module Four Course Objectives:
Our main focus is Health Wellness and Promotion, Community Health Environment, Cultural and Spiritual Effects on Professionalism.
1. Integrate the key attributes of professional identity and image (articulation of the knowledge, skills, and attitudes of the nursing profession as well as attention
to appearance, demeanor, respect for self and others, and attention to professional boundaries).
2. Distinguish between the roles and perspectives of the nursing profession, and other health professions, through an understanding of the historical and contemporary
issues affecting interprofessional and intraprofessional practice.
3. Examine the critical elements of interdisciplinary and interdisciplinary professional communication while recognizing one’s personal bias that may impact effective
communication and ultimately the ability to deliver safe, quality care.
4. Provide rationale, using professional standards, about the value of continued professional growth and development (lifelong learning and practice excellence), not
only for one’s self, but also in mentoring others.
Module Four Learning Objectives:
1. Discuss the role of the nurse and nursing organization as a health promoter and care provider.
2. Discuss the impact of nursing and how professional nursing organizations respond to the ever-changing health care delivery system.
3. Identify various settings where community-based nursing is practiced.
4. Apply aspects of culturally competent care via health promotion goals of the chosen professional organization.
5. Apply aspects of spiritually competent care via health promotion goals of the chosen professional organization.
6. Identify individual strengths and weaknesses related to the profession of nursing by applying content learned from required readings.
7. Develop a plan of professional growth related to strengths and weaknesses by applying content learned from required readings.
8. Discuss various dimensions of holistic health care as it pertains to the individual practice of nursing and/or the chosen professional organization.
Module Four Introduction
In this module, you will explore the nurse as a health promoter and care provider in an evolving health care delivery system. In addition, the content in this section
will cover the practicing of nursing in the home and community, dimensions of holistic care in a culturally and spiritually diverse world
REQUIRED TEXTBOOKS using for the class:
American Association of Colleges of Nursing. (2008). The essentials of baccalaureate education
for professional nursing practice. Available free online at:
American Nurses Association. (2010). Nursing: Scope and standards of practice. Silver
Spring, MD: Author. [ISBN:978-1-55810-282-8]
American Psychological Association. (2010). Publication manual of the American
Pyschological Association (6th ed.). Washington DC:Author.
[ISBN: 978-1-4338-0561-5]
Blais, K.K., Hayes, J.S., Kozier, B., & Erb, G. (2011). Professional nursing: Conceptsand
perspectives (6th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall. [ISBN: 978-0-