The Influence of Culturally Bound Syndromes and Worldview on the Counseling Relationship

Please no plagiarism and make sure you are able to access all resource on your own before you bid. One of the references must come from Sue, D. W., & Sue, D. (2016). You are expected to include at least one scholarly and peer-reviewed resource outside of those provided in the readings for each discussion post. I need this completed by 04/25/18 at 6pm.  You will need access to  DSM-IV-T.
Please thoroughly read the Discussion Posting and Response Rubric attached to evaluate both the posts and responses. There are four components evaluated for each Discussion Post and Response.
1. Responsiveness to Discussion Question /9
2. Critical Thinking, Analysis, and Synthesis /9
3. Professionalism of Writing /5
4. Responsiveness to Peers /9
To get the highest grade possible, ask yourself if you have SURPASSED the following standards as you re-read your posts BEFORE submitting them:
1. Responsiveness: For the Main Post: Did I answer the entire question?  Is it on time?  Does the answer demonstrate that I have read the material for the week and really thought about it?
2. Critical Thinking, Analysis, and Synthesis: Does my post demonstrate my ability to apply, reflect, AND synthesize concepts and issues presented in the weekly learning 0bjectives? Have I integrated and mastered the general principles, ideas, and skills presented? Do my reflections include a clear and direct correlation to authentic examples or are they drawn from professional experience? Do my insights demonstrate significant changes in awareness, self-understanding, and knowledge?
3. Professionalism of Writing: Do my posts meet graduate-level writing expectations (e.g., are clear, concise, and use appropriate language; make few errors in spelling, grammar, and syntax; provide information about sources when paraphrasing or referring to it; use a preponderance of original language and directly quote only when necessary or appropriate)? Are my postings courteous and respectful when offering suggestions, constructive feedback, or opposing viewpoints?

The Influence of Culturally Bound Syndromes and Worldview on the Counseling Relationship

The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders includes a section that highlights diagnoses that are specific to a particular culture. If a disorder is prevalent among the majority of members of a particular culture, can a counselor assume a client from that culture is likely to incur that disorder? Some have argued that culture-specific diagnoses are actually a barrier to multicultural counseling. To what extent do a counselor’s cultural biases create barriers in counseling?
For this Discussion, review the assigned Learning Resources for this week and refer to Table 10.1: Culture Bound Syndromes from the DSM-IV-TR in the Sue and Sue course text. Then, with culturally bound syndromes in mind, consider how a counselor’s worldview could influence the diagnosis of a client or the interpretation of the symptoms a client experiences.
With these thoughts in mind:
Post by Day 3 one way a counselor’s cultural worldview might affect his or her assessment and diagnosis of a client’s situation. In addition, explain how assumptions based solely on culture could adversely influence the client and the counseling relationship.
Support your responses with specific references to the Learning Resources and current literature.
Required Resources
· Hays, P. A. (2016). Addressing cultural complexities in practice: Assessment, diagnosis, and therapy (3rd ed.). Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.
o Chapter 6, “Creating a Positive Therapeutic Alliance” (pp. 101-123)
o Chapter 7, “Conducting a Culturally Responsive Assessment” (pp. 127-160)
o Chapter 8, “Using Standardized Tests in a Culturally Responsive Way” (pp. 161-194)
o Chapter 9, “Making a Culturally Responsive Diagnosis” (pp. 195-223)
· Sue, D. W., & Sue, D. (2016). Counseling the culturally diverse: Theory and practice (7th ed.). Hoboken, NJ: Wiley.
o Chapter 5, “The Impact of Systemic Oppression: Counselor Credibility and Client Worldviews” (pp. 145-177)
o Chapter 7, “Barriers to Multicultural Counseling and Therapy: Individual and Family Perspectives” (pp. 215-249)
o Chapter 8, “Communication Styles and Its Impact on Counseling and Psychotherapy” (pp. 251-281)
o Chapter 10, “Non-Western Indigenous Methods of Healing: Implications for Multicultural Counseling and Therapy” (pp. 321-351)
o Chapter 13, “Culturally Competent Assessment” (pp. 429-455)
· American Psychiatric Association. (2013). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (5th ed.). Arlington, VA: American Psychiatric Publishing.
o “Cultural Formation” (pp. 749 –759)
· Document: The Case of Mrs. Hudson (Word document)
Optional Resources
· State University of New York, New Paltz, Institute for Disaster Mental Health. (n.d.). Tip sheet on Haitian culture.
· Desrosiers, A., & St. Fleurose, S. (2002). Treating Haitian patients: Key cultural aspects. American Journal of Psychotherapy, 56(4), 508–521.
· Nicolas, G., DeSilva, A. M., Grey, K. S., & Gonzalez-Eastep, D. (2006). Using a multicultural lens to understand illnesses among Haitians living in America. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, 37(6), 702–707.

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