Explain to Bethany, in lay person’s language, the 8 theoretical perspectives and how each of the theoretical perspectives can help a social worker understand different aspects of her family’s situation.
You are required to write 1 page per question. Cite the material from the textbook, videos and power points to justify for your reflections.
Case Study Reflection Question – Chapter 2 – Dimensions of Human Behavior Person in the Environment (Green Book) Elizabeth D. Hutchinson
1. Like individuals in other professional groups, social workers tend to develop and use language among themselves that others not associated with the profession might consider being ‘jargonese’ or difficult to understand. Although Bethany is planning to go to nursing school, she is very much interested in what social workers do and is curious about how a social worker would assess the problems in her family. Explain to Bethany, in lay person’s language, the 8 theoretical perspectives and how each of the theoretical perspectives can help a social worker understand different aspects of her family’s situation.
Chapter 5: The Psychological Person: Cognition, Emotion, and Self – Dimensions of Human Behavior Person in the Environment (Green Book) Elizabeth D. Hutchinson
1. Of all the theories discussed in the chapter, choose one from each category (self in relationships, concept of stress, coping and adaptation) that you think might be MOST helpful in understanding Dan’s situation. Provide a rationale as to why you think these particular theories would be most helpful and discuss how you would use each of the theories that you’ve selected in Dan’s case.