Analysis of Natural Rights

Write a research paper
Topic is to Analyze Natural Rights

Must include these:

1.Provide an overview of the political philosophy of natural rights. What are the implications of this philosophy for the size and the scope of government (use two to three examples to elucidate your argument)? 2. Distinguish between natural rights and positive rights. 3. Lysander Spooner and Murray Rothbard argue that the philosophy of natural rights necessarily leads to anarchism and is incompatible with a belief in a “nightwatchman state”/minimalist state. Critically analyze this argument. 4. Explain how Ayn Rand’s arguments in favor of natural rights and a minimalist state differ from those of other important natural rights theorists such as Locke, Spencer, Spooner and Rothbard.

Here are some reference you must mention.
M. Rothbard, Part I (“Natural Law), p.3-25.
M. Rothbard Part II, Chs.6-9; Part III, Chs.22-23.
A. Rand,
A. Rand,
A. Rand

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