
) In general, how are technicaVnonliteral collections (ELINT, MASINT, IMINT, materials sampling, acoustics, biological) different than the collection of literal intelligence (HUMINT, COMINT, Cyber Intelligence, Financial Intelligence, and OSINT)?
2) Why is it important to have a taxonomy or classification of types of collection and how does that help us understand the development of collection strategies, technologies, collection planning, and methods of collection?
To get you started, I have included an overview of the intelligence cycle. Watch this video to get the context of collections. It is not analysis or dissemination. It is not requirements generating. But collection interacts with all areas in an ongoing fashion, whether (as in the example in the video) we are looking at combat intelligence or national intelligence. Please note the boundaries of collection, how collections is influenced and what it influences in the intelligence cycle. Get your MIND into thinking “collections.” Watch the following video in addition to reading the required materials:

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