The rewards and challenges of HR Management and the strategy of HR planning

Choose any one of the following Topics:

  1. The rewards and challenges of HR Management and the strategy of HR planning
  2. Equal Employment Opportunity, Human Resources Management, Job Analysis and Job Design.
  3. Expanding the Talent Pool in collaboration with the organization’s strategy – Recruitment & Careers, Employee Selection 4. Training & Development and Performance Management. Research a company that interests you. Describe the company’s practices as it pertains to your chosen topic. Conduct a SWOT analysis of the topic and practice. Provide a recommendation of how the practice can be improved or justify why improvement is not necessary. Use as many References as needed but contain at least 4 please. Full essay submission using supporting research information. It is required this paper be submitted in full APA format with a minimum of five pages (excluding Title Page, Abstract and Reference page).

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