Top 100 Chinese company by annual sales


The alternative requires students to select a top 100 Chinese company by annual sales or another metric of choice, to also select an American equivalent counterpart�which could be a competitor or a non-competitor and to conduct a basic comparative analysis of the two. This may include but is not limited to their finances, corporate mission, an array of products, and markets served. The desired product will be a 2-pager in which each company is featured on each page, and altogether approximately 1,000 words, with visuals. We will print and distribute the finished project to all students. When comparing the two companies, ask yourself: Do the U.S. company have branches and/or production facilities in China or vice versa? How important is the U.S./China to each company’s supply chain? Does the U.S./China company import to a significant degree into the China/U.S. market, or rely on exports from those markets? What specifically does this show about economic interdependence between the two countries?

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