Choose a film to watch and analyze. You can choose a different movie from the list below to show the hero cycle, but you must get it approved BEFORE completing the assignment.

Writing Assignment: The Hero’s Journey.


Step 1: Choose a film to watch and analyze. You can choose a different movie from the list below to show the hero cycle, but you must get it approved BEFORE completing the assignment.

Jaws / Alice in Wonderland / Avatar / Captain America / The Black Panther / Finding Nemo / Harry Potter / Indiana Jones / Iron Man / The Lion King / Monty Python’s The Holy Grail / Princess Bride / Shrek / Spider Man / Star Wars / The Chronicles of Narnia / The Dark Night / The Lord of the Rings / The Matrix / Silence of the Lambs / Aladdin / Spirited Away!


Step 2: As you watch, take notes on the elements you notice that match the hero’s journey, including characters that fit archetypes, events and conflicts that fit plot theory, and changes in the character’s development.

•Ordinary World

•Call to Adventure









•New Life


Step 3: Analyze

Identify each the of the following preceding steps of the Hero’s Journey as they apply to your chosen film. Your film may have a slightly different order, and some sections may be more detailed than others, but you should have a thorough response for EACH one.