Ideology of white supremacy.

One Page, Single Spaced, Times New

Roman Font, 1-inch margins!, Single space heading, include reflection

around 500words

Continuing with the theme of the ideology of white supremacy… What role did it play leading up to the Mexican-American war and the after math. How was it used to justify taking Mexican Land? What discourse did it produce regarding Mexicans? What was the result of the war? What were the similarities between US treatment of Native Americans, Blacks, and Mexicans during this time period. MOST IMPORTANTLY what were your reactions and thoughts (reflections) to the readings?

Critical Reflection Prompt

What is NOT a critical reflection?

A critical reflection is NOT a summary or review of the topics, readings, lectures or films. I am

interested in what you thought about them. I do not need a summary of them as I also watched,

read and listened to the discussion of the topic.

What is a critical reflection?

A critical reflection is an emotional, personal, aesthetic yet scholarly assessment of your

engagement with a particular topic from class. What impact did the topic have on you? I want

you to take the time to reflect on what you learned, thought and felt about a particular

theme/topic/video/film and write a one page single spaced response that draws connections

between your thoughts, the readings and the lectures. What parts of the topic you engaged

grabbed your attention? Why? What do they have to do with the class concepts? Did it remind

you of something you have similarly experienced? How did this help you see things from a

different perspective than before? These are all questions you can ask yourself and attempt to

answer. This is an open ended assignment that I prefer to let you take where you feel you need

to take it. I am looking for reflections that demonstrate a working knowledge of and draw

connections between the video, lectures and readings providing specific examples.

Standard Format: PDF or WORD DOC(X) ONLY! One Page, Single Spaced, Times New

Roman Font, 1-inch margins!, Single space heading, include reflection

reference link:
