Important theories that help to explain culture change as well as on the methods and techniques archaeologists use in (and out of) the field.

OverviewThis discussion focuses on important theories that help to explain culture change as well as on the methods and techniques archaeologists use in (and out of) the field. It is important to understand these theoretical perspectives as they help to define our view of human behavior and society. Be sure to complete the readings for this module as preparation for your initial post.InstructionsInital PostThere are two discussion prompt options. Choose one of them and note the option as the subject line of your answer post. NOTE: Answer posts are due earlier than responses to others. Be sure to answer thoroughly and provide APA-style citations as needed. Option A: Choose any method or dating technique and explain how it contributes to archaeology. Include any relevant information such as person(s) responsible, where/how applicable, shortcomings, etc. Option B: Explain how cultures change using an archaeological/anthropological theory. Include any relevant information such as person(s) responsible, where/how applicable, shortcomings, etc.Response Posts Read through your instructor’s and classmates’ posts. Post a substantive response to at least two other classmates’ initial post. Make sure the post contributes to the conversation rather than just saying something like “I agree with you” or “You did a good job on this post”. You are encouraged to make one of your replies to a peer who answered the other question option.