Using the search function:

Using the search function:

Murphy, M. P., Staffileno, B. A., & Foreman, M. D. (2018). Research for Advanced Practice Nurses, Third Edition : From Evidence to Practice (Vol. Third edition). New York, NY: Springer Publishing Company.Please read pages 1-9
Bhargava, K., & Bhargava, D. (2007). Evidence Based Health Care: A scientific approach to health care. Sultan Qaboos University medical journal, 7(2), 105–107.
conduct a Subject Search on “evidence-based healthcare.” Choose a topic that is appropriate for your future career (e.g., public health, disease, quality of care, healthcare leadership).

Review various Web resources to identify the most helpful Websites. Visit the Purdue Global library and learn more about evidence-based resources that patients, providers, or leaders might access to inform themselves about a health condition, a specific intervention, or a best practice that a healthcare administrator might implement. Share a summary of your findings.

In two diferent paragraph give your personal information to Ashley Sullivan and Jeremiah Simpson

Jeremiah Simpson

My subject based search of “evidence-based healthcare” in the Purdue library yielded some great results. I was particularly drawn to an article titled The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality and the Development of a Learning Health Care System. The reason why I feel this is important is because in my line of business, evidenced based practices are essential in order to receive accreditation from an organization such as NCQA. It is also relevant because our organization is also partnered with a teaching hospital so we are very much geared towards developing our entire organization into a learning health care system.

The article discusses how there is a movement to reduce the gaps in innovate care by partnering AHRQ with learning practices across the US and Canada. Providers from these organizations nominate topics for research with AHRQ, and they work together to gather the required statistical data to develop evidenced based clinical practice guidelines to previously ill-support procedures. Instead of organizations solely relying on existing research, they partner with AHRQ to address evolving needs and together develop evidenced based solutions (Bindman, 2017, p. 909). It is truly a remarkable use of research and practices to learn and develop evidence-based measures for quality care!


Bindman, A. (2017, Jul).The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality and the Development of a Learning Health Care System.JAMA Internal Medicine, 177(7), 909-910. MEDLINE Complete.

Ashley Sullivan

Once I visited the Purdue Global library and searched for evidence-based healthcare, the articles that stood out the most to me were in relation to leadership. I am hoping to pursue a career in healthcare leadership once I finish my doctorates so that was a great search for me. Resources that I like to use that are evidence-based are websites such as NCBI that stores research articles that are also potentially peer-reviewed.

According to the NCBI Evidence-based resources simplified, it is essential for clinical librarians to provide evidence-based research to clinicians and allied healthcare workers in hospitals in order to ensure proper research is being used (Kendall, 2008). I also believe that WHO, CDC, PubMed, CINAHL, and many others are reputable resources to use for anyone from patient to provider to use to gather information on a certain healthcare concern (All Guides, 2018).


Kendall S. (2008). Evidence-based resources simplified.Canadian family physician Medecin de famille canadien,54(2), 241–243.

All Guides: Evidence-Based Healthcare Literature: Start. (2018, August 29). Retrieved June 26, 2020, from