Write a article on Fashion marketing.

Write 3 pages with APA style on Fashion marketing.

From this research it is clear that the concept of fashion is one that is now growing to international trends that are affecting the market. When looking at different regions, it can be seen that there are changes and complexities that are altering how many are able to sell various fashion labels. The rise of globalization is one of the factors which are changing the contemporary issues and trends. This has led to two major trends in the industry, one which is based on fast changes for consumer trends, such as wholesale clothing, and the other which includes high – end fashion. These trends are further divided by resistance or acceptance to different styles, specifically which are influenced by region and the demands that are associated with the area. When looking at the Chinese market, it can be seen that the trends are continuously changing the most popular styles. This includes the high end clothing as well as fast changing trends, as well as the resistance and acceptance of Western style clothing in society. This research study will examine the different marketing trends in the Chinese market as well as how these are directly influencing the fashion industry nationally and internationally. More important, there will be an examination of how the trends are altering the direction of fashion labels. The study will focus specifically on the acceptance of European brands among generation Y students, including the perceptions in terms of quality, image, emotional value and mindset from consumers.

Rationale for Topic The changes in the fashion industry are continuing to alter at rapid rates. The study of the Chinese market and how it is a part of the changing trends provides a larger context in understanding the fashion industry. First, there is an understanding of the product cycles and trends that are incorporated into cultural values through different regions. At the same time, there will be a better understanding of how this affects the perceptions and fashion styles in the global market. The result will be the ability to understand production from global sourcing within the fashion industry (Tokatli, 2006). These specific trends will be further defined with importance because of the expectations associated with Generation Y youth in China. The perception of brand from this generation is one which is more open to European styles and contemporary looks that move outside of the traditional Chinese styles. The involvement is based on understanding status, attitude and emotional impact with the youth (O’Cass, Choy, 2008). Understanding the impact of these different topics will help to further a personal career field with international brands and with the future of fashion. By determining the trends in fashion in one region, internationally and among Generation Y, there will be the ability to understand more about the impact which this makes on the future of fashion labels. Aims and Objectives The aims of this particular study will be to: 1. Examine the marketing trends in fashion among Chinese consumers 2. Examine the acceptance of international brands, specifically with a focus on Europe, among Chinese consumers 3. Define the difference between fast fashion trends and high quality luxury items 4. Examine the Generation Y trends, attitudes and behaviors to international brands, as opposed to national labeling. These specific aims will be used to understand marketing patterns and trends that are currently in China as well as how this links to international trends. More specifically, the objectives will identify marketing patterns that occur with specific types of brands for those who are in a given culture. The objectives will be used specifically to identify concepts that are occurring within fashion and with marketing trends. Methodology The methodology will consist of a qualitative and quantitative analysis of the market that is in China. The qualitative analysis will consist of surveys that will be distributed online to 50-100 Generation Y participations.