Write a paper on Key Role of Marketer.

Need help with my writing homework on Key Role of Marketer. Write a 1500 word paper answering; The paper first throws light over the importance of marketing followed by a discussion of arguments regarding the above-mentioned statement. The researcher will then conclude this paper by providing a summary of the findings and key discussions throughout the paper.

Marketing is about creating value for customers in the short and long run, which later triggers purchase responses and generate revenues for organizations. For instance, marketing is a process through which a good or service is advertised and offered in a distinctive/unique/differentiated manner to entice a maximum pool of potential buyers towards any particular product. It is worthwhile to mention the fact that marketers play the most important role in any business organization because they formulate and implement ways of selling to establish a loyal customer base. Hence, the more competent, adaptable/flexible, creative, visionary, open- and broadminded and extrovert a marketer is, the greater the probability that he/she would prepare excellent product mix, formulate excellent marketing/advertising strategies and tempt maximum customers towards a particular good or service. It should be clarified that a marketing campaign is reckoned to be successful when the sales generated from such initiatives exceed the costs incurred during the formulation and implementation process. In simple words, the success of marketing campaigns is directly related to sales increment and monetary gains. Hence, the role of a marketer is to ensure the attainment of financial objectives and long – term value creation for the company.

It is worthwhile to pinpoint that Customer Championship refers to knowledge about customers, such as their tastes/preferences, consumption patterns, living standards, income level/purchasing power, behaviors, attitudes, norms, societal values, and taboos. Without any doubt, a customer champion is aware of market demand besides changes in fashion and future trends because he/she works closely with customers/buyers and becomes specialized in this area. Indeed, a customer champion knows the art of building friendly and cordial relationships with customers because of regular/frequent meetings and discussions. For instance, he or she also provides free / paid consultation and advice to potential buyers who are hesitant in making certain purchase decisions due to a lack of knowledge and/or past experience.