Create a paper that discusses business plan for telecommunication center.

Create a 9 pages page paper that discusses business plan for telecommunication center. Q-Tele offers a fresh approach to retail telecommunications by providing a dedicated after-sales and service teams to provide individual and group training for their merchandise. The company has already started establishing solid relations with manufacturers and will use this as leverage to further market the products. Marketing tie-ups shall be utilized to have cost-efficient promotions. Inventory management will ensure a good supply of the most sellable products and steady cash flow. The inventory team shall be tasked to effectively monitor inventory levels by using reliable software. They have the responsibility to maximize warehouse space by having reasonable inventory levels of all items being offered.&nbsp.Competition in the area is stiff as far as telecommunication services are concerned.&nbsp.As a start-up company, it may have a hard time catching up with the competitors. Technology is the primary source of an opportunity. Technological advances enable retailers to continue marketing products and be at their toes to keep up with the latest trends.&nbsp.The growing clamor for the most up to date gadget gives the company a chance to expand the knowledge of their sales and after-sales teams. The entry of more telecom providers in the area.Price wars among manufacturers themselves. This may be a reason for a price war among the retailers as well.Q-Tele has created a niche market as a one-stop-shop for wireless services. Additionally, Q-Tele has professionals with over 10 years of combined experience in the industry, sophistication, and sales and distribution channels that are successful. Our services are formulated with ingredients known to increase the quality of communications, enhance internal business communications, and give users the opportunity to access the latest technology such as the ability to access the Internet on their handset.Q-Tele maintains a number of different services and accessories. Each of these services and accessories can be placed at the growth phase on the product life cycle curve.&nbsp. The company wishes to do away from the traditional forms of marketing, including the passive ways by which small companies relay their marketing messages to their target market. We aim to actively reach out to the customer rather than wait for him to find the company. The communication strategy shall be geared towards service awareness, value creation, competitive price, availability and attractive service experience, all leading to the patronization of our products and services.&nbsp.&nbsp. Roughly about 35% of Q-Tele’s monthly operational budget shall be allocated to Advertising and Promotional strategies alone.&nbsp. This includes expenses to be incurred in utilizing mainstream media particularly print advertising. other alternative media. and design and production of merchandising and promotional materials. Mainstream-wise, Q-Tele shall utilize print advertising particularly through tie-ups with different magazines. Although this would not be the company’s primary vehicle in promoting its products, it would just aim to maximize its relationship with these magazines whose websites Q-Tele shall be utilized in its online campaigns.&nbsp.