Role as a Mentor.

Need help with my writing homework on Role as a Mentor. Write a 1000 word paper answering; Mentoring is a concept and practice that is associated with providing professional learning in health care. This practice has changed since 1970 significantly and was officially implemented in nursing in 1980. There are different tittles that are used in connection with the role of mentoring.

Role of Mentors

Mentoring activities are aimed at providing safe and effective skills for students in health care practice. It helps professionals provide informed guidance to students while they are in a practical situation (Martin and Mackinnon, 2007, 41). Mentors should have the knowledge and skills to hold up learners and offer secure surroundings for learning. There are roles within mentorship that overlap, even though there are distinctions between these roles. When these roles change, a clear distinction between mentoring and coaching is established.

The term ‘mentor’ has changed to signify a person who guides individuals during their developmental years to progress and achieve their identity (Martin and Mackinnon, 2007, 41). The term is implemented in nursing education for students to achieve safe and effective clinical skills during their practice. The role of a mentor is to support learning in the practice situation. There are overlapping roles of a mentor. thus, he is expected to show certain characteristics during a practical situation. There are different roles of a mentor and a lecturer in that a mentor focuses on individual students in practice while a lecturer focuses on learning environment. In nursing practice, the word ‘mentor’ is defined as a midwifery or health visitor who supervises students in clinic situations. Mentors also help in facilitating learning in clinical settings. Mentors have different roles that include nurturing, role modeling, functioning, and sustaining a caring relationship over time. Mentors should have good communication skills for them to understand the principles of adult education. The role of mentors is widely utilized, and it may appear as an obvious aspect offered to learners. Students need mentors to ensure they have safe practices. Mentors also ensure that students acquire competence in their fields of learning. In nursing and health profession mentors guide, support and act as role models to their students. It is the responsibility of a mentor to structure a working environment for learning, hence facilitating constructive and honest feedback. A mentor ought to be friendly and encourage the students while they are in a learning situation. Students who have been on placement can take advantage of mentoring by applying for that post after qualification. Mentorship enables students to attain competent practice as long as it is established on a supportive basis. It is suggested that people might benefit from having a mentor in their lives. Both parties select this role, and the mentor can be a parent, friend, or a senior peer. Students select mentors for guidance and counseling. However, mentors identify different reasons for mentoring roles. Research has identified different roles for mentors such as guidance and counseling. Aspects for Change The mentoring process combines various factors that are effective and essential for learning. Mentors need to create an environment for learning and display leadership skills for students to emulate. The mentoring process should emphasize assessment and accountability. Establishing an effective learning environment is significant because it contributes to sufficient clinical experience.