Write a paper on PHIN Report.

Need help with my writing homework on PHIN Report. Write a 750 word paper answering; Recent Health Issues in US: The Role of PHIN in Health Management Institute Recent Health Issues in US: The Role of PHIN in Health Management Introduction The health issues in US are growing for quite a while and therefore they are getting much more attention in the world of academia. However the problems in public healthcare are multifactor and complex. But the major issue resides with the inability of US health care system to provide equal medical treatment to all of the public. Recently many of the operational health facilities have been partially or completely privatized which turned the holy practice of medicine into a ruthless business. The business of healthcare has been driven by the motive of making a profit that is reportedly causing the medical facilities to focus on those patients who can pay more against healthcare service. The fundamental purpose of this study is to conduct research on the causes of skin diseases that are noticeably grown in the country with the special reference to the role of PHIN in controlling and managing the epidermal illnesses. Nevertheless, global warming and cracks in the ozone layer are causing the skin diseases to irrupt in the world. In developed nations, governments are taking solid and concrete steps towards preventing the diseases. Literature Review According to Thacker, Stroup, Parrish, & Anderson, (1996) the local and federal healthcare departments have a primary job of maintaining good to excellent level of public health. But, in recent years the ability of governmental healthcare units to manage health problems became limited due to this reason health standards are deforming. Additionally the spread of skin disease is noted to be more intensive in adolescents and youngsters. In the view of Schieber & Poullier, (1991) the analysis of the expenditure patterns of substantial amount of health organizations working under Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) found that the budgets of these healthcare organizations are significantly increasing over the past few years. Yet, these efforts have proven partially effective in completely controlling several diseases. McGlynn, et al., (2003) on the other hand, found that youth in America is not getting the ideal health care and therefore several kinds of illnesses are currently prevailing among them. However the Public Health Information Network has been developed in order to create an integrative management information system that is supposed to develop a patients’ database, accessible to every medical facility in the US, so that the physician can access patients’ records of prior treatments and other related information, when they come in for the treatment The role of Public Health Information Network remained imperative in treating the skin diseases in the US. The system assisted doctors in knowing about previous treatments and allergies that caused the probability of a patient to experience allergy or mistreatment to minimize. But, the development of PHIN is not an ultimate solution of the problem because humanity should dedicate its efforts towards minimizing global warming and ozone tearing to stop skin diseases from spreading. Furthermore if these steps are not taken immediately then skin illnesses will grow rapidly and the PHIN will not be able to manage the outbreak. Medical facilities will also face problems in coping with ever-growing number of patients with skin problems in the future. Findings This research effort finds that US is indeed facing health problems that are growing out of the proportion. The most significantly growing diseases include the ones related to skin such epidermal cancer and allergies. PHIN has blessed physicians with the luxury of having all the relevant information about prior treatments a patient has gone through. The research also has added thst humanity must combine its forces to fight global warming before these skin diseases become simply unmanageable. Conclusion The growing healthcare expenditures are in reality pointing to the fact that developed nations are more concerned about public health than under-developed ones. But, these increases in healthcare funds are not sufficient for providing effective medical services to the youth in US. Along with this, Public Health Information Network is helping doctors in treating patients more successfully. But the need of global health information network is being emphasized by many scholars. It is also duly noted that health services should be provided on the basis of equility whereas transformation of medical into a business should be prevented as soon as possible. Finally the healthcare system of West is far more better than the South. Still things can be improved with the help of conducting operational research in order to improve existing systems and mechanisms that are devoted towards providing healthcare services around the world. References McGlynn, E., Asch, S., Adams, J., Keesey, J., Hicks, J., DeCristofaro, A., et al. (2003). The Quality of Health Care Delivered to Adults in the United States. The New England Journal of Medicine Vol 348(26) , pp.2635-2644. Schieber, G., & Poullier, J. (1991). International health spending: issues and trends. Health Affairs Vol 10(1) , pp.106-116. Thacker, S., Stroup, ,., Parrish, G., & Anderson, H. (1996). Surveillance in Environmental Public Health: Issues, Systems, and Sources. American Journal of Public Health Vol 86(4) , pp.633-638.