Prepare and submit a paper on an analysis of molly ivins’ get a dog, get a knife, but get rid of guns.

Your assignment is to prepare and submit a paper on an analysis of molly ivins’ get a dog, get a knife, but get rid of guns. The title is most cases can certainly be misleading, and it reveals crucial information that readers can conclude even before reading through the article. The author is not totally against the bad use of a gun. however, he feels that gun ownership should come with a set of restrictions.

We have had many arguments by anti-gun activists. Most of the activists certainly have solid arguments that make sense while pointing out the need for restrictions relating to the cases. Firearms have been known to cause a lot of bad despite the high level of security underuse. The Las Vegas attacks are certainly proof of the bad side of the use of firearms to cause harm and violence. The use of the headline by the author ensures it is easy to locate the information. There is further helpful information that a person can find in the following statements. When you get to this paragraph, you finally understand the sentiments and feelings of the author. When reading the titles, it can be misleading to the readers while hiding her true thoughts and sentiments.

The narrator concludes the need for alternative protection, including dogs or guns, to be utilized. This is in opposition to the use of firearms. You can certainly feel that the author hides the main points with the topics without revealing the reality in life. The use of the title is to catch the attention of readers who already have thoughts regarding the subject and their conclusions. At first glance, you might think that the heading is about the restrictions for firearms. You might develop an assumption that the topic is about the banning of firearms, which relates to other titles in use. However, I believe that the message in the piece approves the use of guns but in a responsible manner. There should be a strict selection of sales for guns.

There is certainly a form of credibility which the narrator possesses. There is the use of truth in expressing thoughts regarding such vital topics. The narrator performs an excellent job in capturing the attention of the target audience, who are completely against the idea of firearms. The article formation means to express the entire purpose of the piece. The topic of violence of guns is handled with irrationality. Most people are not approaching the topic directly with bad ideas. The sounds of people should be heard in terms of gun use. The bad controversy is bound to happen without the inclusion of the human aspect of the issue.

I feel that the views of the author are precise and straight to the point for any reader. You cannot deny a close relation to the topics being discussed. Given the topic in question, it is easy to feel a relation to how it takes a persuasive tone to convince the readers while changing their perspectives. The ideas which the author brings to the table base on pure facts. Even when the audience is unaware of the bad side, I feel it provides information and perspectives. After reading the article, I feel like developing a perspective for the selection with the intriguing use of facts. The idea continues to be consistent throughout the article while eliciting different opinions when reading the article. Guns do not cause harm. rather, people with guns cause harm and violence. Reading the article brings about important considerations in the gun control debate.


Reading through the article shows a complete and useful piece for different audiences. The author showcases various important argument points. I feel that the report is beneficial to any audience. An analysis of Molly Ivins’ get a dog, get a knife, but get rid of guns does not base on biases but uses real facts and honest opinions. I feel that the debate about gun control is a controversial one since it evokes different emotions from people. Safety rains as a significant reason why people should choose to use guns. The constitution gives Americans the right to bear arms, and this right exists to date. But I feel it does not elaborate on the responsibility that comes with it.
