
Is technology, the digital world, the answer to mental health issues, or is it driving us to anxiety, Suicide, and depression
Write my Outline & Narrative on Research Question: Is technology, the digital world,
the answer to mental health issues, or is it driving us to anxiety, Suicide, and depression. Thesis statement:
Although technology has opened doors and improved many of the dimensions of our work, play, and home
lives, this newfound digital world can harm a person’s mental health, depending on how it’s being used in our
daily lives. I now need to create a literature review on the topic. I attached the outline to help get the review
started. I’m not sure if my original draft on this topic will help because I somewhat changed my approach to the
topic. Therefore, I prefer not to attach it because it might cause some confusion. If you think it might provide
some value, please let me know. I can attach it later. I have attached the written assignment 3 literature
requirements and also the Outline & Narrative. Please review the requirements and let me know of any
additional requirements for this assignment. There are sources in the outline but they have to be creditable
sources for my paper.

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