Role seniority plays in selecting candidates
Should seniority be eliminated as an eligibility standard for bidding on jobs at Mitchell-Cole Manufacturing, meaning no longer giving the two-year-plus employees priority?
Seniority Options
If seniority is eliminated as the first qualifier, how could it still play a role in selecting candidates?
Job Posting System
Write a short paragraph listing a minimum of 2 references to back up your opinion to the following question: Should the “facility-wide” job posting system be eliminated, meaning vacancies are posted for 30 days for only internal candidates to apply? If so, what should it be replaced with?
Promotion Policy
Write a short paragraph listing a minimum of 2 references to back up your opinion to the following question: Should a strict promotion-from-within policy (hiring internal candidates only) be maintained? Why or why not?
Career Mobility
Write a short paragraph listing a minimum of 2 references to back up your opinion to the following question: How could career mobility paths be developed that would allow across-team movement without threatening team identity and cohesion? Make sure to mention lateral paths and cross-training.
Communication of New System
Write a short paragraph listing a minimum of 2 references to back up your opinion to the following question: If a new internal labor market system (policies and procedures set around hiring/promoting internal candidates into a new position) is to be put in place, how should it be communicated to employees? Give a step-by-step plan for communication; what should come 1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc…
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