Angel Crest Manor: For Love or Money?
The following questions (and percent weighting) will be used to assign your grade: 1) Comprehensive Analysis:
Have you clearly delineated all of the issues, players, constraints, and consequences or have you focused only
on a portion of the case while overlooking critical components? (30%) 2) Specific, Concrete, and Logical Case
Analysis: Is your presentation of options logical, rational, and specific enough? Does it make sense based on
the facts that you have presented? Does it make sense based on the facts of the case? (20%) 3)
Documentation/Support: Have you documented your analysis extensively and correctly with relevant course
reading and information from course lectures? (35%) 4) Execution: Is your paper is well thought-out, wellorganized, well-written, attractive, and grammatically correct? (15%)
Sample Solution
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