All work must be original and performed by the student. Note that cutting and pasting directly from web pages is considered to be plagiarism. Likewise, collusion on individual assignments will not be tolerated.

Research Project

Topic: Topic 18: The effects of Ethnocentrism

Each student is expected to conduct an in-depth analysis of the assigned topic by examining it from different aspects and perspectives. You are entirely free in determining the contents of your research paper. Try to be creative! You are expected to create a quality, comprehensive research paper. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or concerns.

You will show your progress in initial draft. Failing to meet the deadline will face a grade penalty on your semester projects, and there is a risk that the quality of the projects may be unacceptable when the projects are evaluated.

The written project should be typed, double-spaced, with one-inch margin, and not less than 10 pages in length, excluding cover, executive summary, exhibits, graphs, and/or appendices. The recommended font size is Times New Roman 12. Final Project has to be submitted through SafeAssign on blackboard.

1)                  All work must be original and performed by the student. Note that cutting and pasting directly from web pages is considered to be plagiarism. Likewise, collusion on individual assignments will not be tolerated.

2)                  Cite all external sources and include a “References” section at the end of each assignment. Remember that external sources include personal interviews and the address of any web site used in your project. Wikipedia is not accepted as a valid reference.