Explain which model the social workers appear to be using to make their assessment. · Describe the potential for bias when choosing an assessment model and completing an evaluation.

A comprehensive understanding of a client’s presenting problems depends on the use of multiple types of assessment models. Each model gathers different information based on theoretical perspective and intent. An assessment that focuses on one area alone not only misses vital information that may be helpful in planning an intervention but may encourage a biased evaluation that could potentially lead you to an inappropriate intervention. When gathering and reviewing a client’s history, sometimes it is easier to focus on the problems and not the positive attributes of the client. In social work, the use of a strength’s perspective requires that a client’s strengths, assets, and resources must be identified and utilized. Further, using an empowerment approach in conjunction with a strength’s perspective guides the practitioner to work with the client to identify shared goals. You will be asked to consider these approaches and critically analyze the multidisciplinary team’s response to the program case study of Paula Cortez


Required Readings: Attached Files Below

Congress, E. (2013). Assessment of adults. In M. Holosko, C. Dulmus, & K. Sowers (Eds.), Social work practice with individuals and families: Evidence-informed assessments and interventions (pp. 125–145). Hoboken, NJ: Wiley.

Cowger, C. D. (1994). Assessing client strengths: Clinical assessment for client empowerment. Social Work, 39(3), 262–268.

Plummer, S.-B., Makris, S., & Brocksen, S. M. (Eds.). (2014a). Sessions: case histories. Baltimore, MD: Laureate International Universities Publishing. [Vital Source e-reader].

The Cortez Family (pp. 23–25)


For this Assignment, review the program case study of the Cortez family.  Attached File Below

In a 2- to 4-page paper, complete a comprehensive assessment of Paula Cortez, utilizing two of the assessment models provided in Chapter 5 of the course text.

· Using the Cowger article, identify at least two areas of strengths in Paula’s case.

· Analyze the perspectives of two members of the multidisciplinary team, particularly relative to Paula’s pregnancy.

· Explain which model the social workers appear to be using to make their assessment.

· Describe the potential for bias when choosing an assessment model and completing an evaluation.

· Suggest strategies you, as Paula’s social worker, might try to avoid these biases.

Support your Assignment with specific references to the resources and from the Required Readings as well. Be sure to provide full APA citations for your references