Compose a 1750 words assignment on does mode of communication affect childrens speech perception outcomes after cochlear implantation.

Compose a 1750 words assignment on does mode of communication affect childrens speech perception outcomes after cochlear implantation. Needs to be plagiarism free! Several studies have examined the effect of communication mode (signed/total communication or oral communication) on speech outcomes, and have found it to have a positive effect. Archbold et al., 2000, aimed to explore the relationship between the approach to communication, speech perception, and speech intelligibility after cochlear implantation of young children with profound early deafness. A prospective speech perception and speech intelligibility assessment were measured before cochlear implantation and annually thereafter (46 children at the three-year, 26 at the four-year and 20 at the five-year intervals). The children’s communication mode included those using an oral approach and those using a signing approach. The results revealed that at all intervals, those children who used oral communication significantly exceeded those using signed communication on measures of speech perception and intelligibility. No significant difference in the results was seen when those children who had changed from signed to oral communication were compared at the three-year interval with those who used oral communication throughout.