Create a 3 pages page paper that discusses the gospels of matthew and mark.

Create a 3 pages page paper that discusses the gospels of matthew and mark. Another prevailing point concerning this issue argues that like many of the people’s common views during the time of Jesus, the disciples might have the significant thought that Jesus will have to immediately take political control of the government, as heir to David’s throne (LaHaye 96). This means that talking about the death of Jesus to save the humankind will not make sense at all because that would only mean not being able to fulfil the idea as what the disciples might have thought among themselves. This also may have impeded the probable expectations of the disciples that were hovering over their imaginations concerning Jesus’ future role. If we try to consider these arguments, one thing that can be remarkably clear is that confusion of the disciples was triggered by the prevailing way of thinking and as Shea explained, it was conventional consciousness that must be radically changed prior to understanding what Jesus meant by his death to save the humankind. Due to this conventional way of thinking, LaHaye’s thought concerning the disciples’ expectations may significantly apply.