organized mass immigrations from ethiopia to israel

I need some assistance with these assignment. organized mass immigrations from ethiopia to israel Thank you in advance for the help! According to the law of Halacha, a person is eligible for citizenship if their mother is Jewish or if the person converts to Judaism. The rights of eligibility were extended to the people of Jewish ancestry and their spouses in 1970 after an amendment that included the child, grandchild, spouse, spouse of a child, and spouse of a grandchild of a Jew.

The exception to the law of return includes if a person has converted from Judaism, a person considered a threat to the safety of the state of Israel, those who have been involved in serious crimes in their countries in the past, or fugitives from their states for any felony.

The Aliyah of the Ethiopian Jews started in the mid-1970s. The historical name given to the Israelite Ethiopian community is Falasha. The eligibility of the Beta Israel ethnic group of Ethiopia to make the Aliyah was in question in 1973 by a report written by the Israel Ministry of Absorption stating that the Falasha were foreign to all matters of the Jewish nation and hence there was no need to help them make the Aliyah. The report was disputed by the Sephardi Chief Rabi who decree that the Beta group was a descendant tribe of Israel and that a Mitzvah included giving them proper Jewish education and a right to immigrate to Israel. TheFalasha community was originally Jews but in the 19th century, they were forced to convert to Christianity due to fear for their lives. The government forbade the teaching of Hebrew and practice of Judaism and this saw many of Beta Israel imprisoned.

In the 1980s the government softened on the treatment of Jews after pressure from the western countries in order to receive relief. Many Ethiopian Jews made the journey to Israel during this period. The immigration took place in two different waves with the help of the Israeli government.

The first Aliyah took place between 1882-1903, the first group included some 30,000 individuals, they&nbsp.lived in agricultural settlements known as&nbsp.moshavot that were bought by the Jewish associations from Arab landowners, and the Arab farmers moved to live somewhere else. They had the impact of the revival of the Hebrew language and the culture in print and theatre.