Write 12 pages thesis on the topic arguing for and against seal hunting in canada and around the world.

Write 12 pages thesis on the topic arguing for and against seal hunting in canada and around the world. The seals and their products would then be sold to places in Europe, the Americas, and also to the Far East, in places such as China. Newfoundland, a province in the eastern part of Canada, is most popular for this kind of activity, and seal hunting became one of the area’s most important industries in the 19th century, with annual hunting events being held since the 18th century. To date, there is a population of around 5.5 million harp seals that can be found in the Northwest Atlantic area, so seals are far from being an endangered species.

Harp seals are also quite easy to capture and kill because they cannot move quickly on ice due to their ability to gain weight rapidly, and the fact that they do not go into the water. They are usually killed by using wooden clubs or a hakapik. A hakapik is a metal tool that originated from Norway and is basically similar to a hammer, only that it has a sharp and bent spike on one end. Rifles can also be used to kill seals, but using the hakapik as a tool would be the most effective way to ensure that the seals are dead, by using it to strike a seal’s skull. Considered an inhumane killing tool by many, seal hunters still prefer it because the seal can be killed faster, and their pelts (or fur) won’t be damaged. There exist standard dimensions of clubs and hakapiks in Canada that can be used for this purpose, with the club usually being around 60 to 100 centimeters long, and the hakapik being around 105 to 153 centimeters long.&nbsp.

News reports have said that this year, the quota for seal hunting in Canada and Greenland alone would be around 275,000, which is around 5,000 more than the quota that was set for the year 2007. 2The big commercial harp seal hunt usually occurs between mid-November to mid-May, until the quota has been fulfilled. The practice is very legal in Canada, and press releases have claimed that the seals are killed without cruelty.