
I need some assistance with these assignment. marketingproject-kuwait Thank you in advance for the help! Additionally, the low average utilization of aircrafts, gives them a higher cost per every seat mile, this is different from Jazeera Air, which has cut its fleet and uses its aircrafts extensively (Shaw 35). This paper discusses how Ryanair’s limited airport transportation will work in the Middle East where the airports are concentrated. Consumers across the globe have continued to turn towards the internet for their various travel needs. This involves research on trips, comparison of prices, shopping for flights and booking. Consumers have found this convenient and vital to their business and personal travel needs. Looking across the markets with increased focus on the Middle East market, there are various emerging demographic trends that drive growth across the B2C travel industry. Understanding this trend is vital for Ryanair in order to create a strong presence online and increase market share. One demographic group, which would fly Ryanair is the age group from twenty five to thirty four. This is because these are the most likely to prefer low cost carriers, as they have just started earning and would be more willing to forfeit the comfort and luxury of a traditional airline for the cost saving measures of a low cost carrier like Ryanair. People from thirty five to forty four would also consider flying Ryanair because of its cost cutting. This is generated by the idea that they have most likely had increased responsibilities. However, it should be noted that these are those people in the middle to low income earning bracket. Those over sixty-five were the least willing to consider flying Ryanair. Another demographic, which would fly Ryanair would be students studying abroad or travelling for study trips. This would be informed by the fact that they will be doing this on funds from the government or school. However, there was a disparity with the sexes, with one woman claiming that low cost carriers did not provide enough segregation for women, and since she preferred to remove her booking on the flight, she would be uncomfortable. Another demographic that would most certainly be willing to fly Ryanair for its low cost measures is tourist groups. Given that most claimed to be travelling on a budget that they had been saving for a while. For business people, the most receptive to Ryanair travel were those in supervisory roles or junior management positions, in their companies. Those in middle management roles were also receptive of the idea of a low cost carrier. However, those in professional roles or senior management are least interested in a low cost carrier like Ryanair. Finally, Kuwaiti’s travelling to Europe to experience leisure or visit relatives and friends are likely to fly Ryanair for its low cost. However, business people were least interested in using a low cost carrier like Ryanair, despite the fact that it would save their organization money. Clients who are concerned about the environment could elect to fly low cost carriers since the reduced weight of the plane leads to a reduction in fuel used by the plane (Shaw 38). These airlines also offer a fairly simpler scheme for fares, for example, charging tickets for one way at half the price of round trips. This encourages clients to choose it.