prepare and submit a term paper on Test Timer Prototype Product. Your paper should be a minimum of 2000 words in length.

You will prepare and submit a term paper on Test Timer Prototype Product. Your paper should be a minimum of 2000 words in length. The test timer has been implemented following a set of three major stages, implementing an amplifier unit, design and test of a delay unit and, design and test of an oscillator unit. Once each module has been completed, the final project is developed by joining each of the modules together and calibrating the final timer unit to fit the expected standards. Calibrating integrates all the three parts into one single entity that runs as an electrical timer. The major entities of the timer include a trigger which initiates the signal.

The trigger signal is received by the adjustable delay unit which determines the amount of delay time required to ensure synchronization with the expected output. Once the signal has been delayed for the expected time, it is picked up by the audio signal generator which runs the oscillator to produce sound. The sound is directed to the amplifier to increase its frequency and output produced through the loudspeaker as sound within a frequency range of 20 to 200kilo hertz.

The various devices are required in the implementation of this project. This includes a simple resistor-capacitor (R-C), 555 based circuits, charged-coupled devices (CCDs), shift registers, and counters. A simple resistor-capacitor includes a capacitor and a resistor connected in series. It can be used to delay the signals by varying the amount of voltage stored in the combination. In order to increase the delay time, one needs to increase the flow rate by reducing the size of the voltage that can be stored in the combination. The combination has a range of 0 volts to 5 volts (INSTITUTE OF ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONICS ENGINEERS et al, 2001).

There are a number of problems that limit its full functionality. Often they produce a poor waveform of voltage against time hence the signal results in poor control of the delay which makes it not very&nbsp.reliable.&nbsp.