Create a 16 pages page paper that discusses the level of injury and fatality in teens. Crashes are considered the primary cause of injury and fatality in teens within the 16-19 age brackets. (Morton & Ouimet, 2006).

Create a 16 pages page paper that discusses the level of injury and fatality in teens. Crashes are considered the primary cause of injury and fatality in teens within the 16-19 age brackets. (Morton & Ouimet, 2006). Morton and Ouimet concur with the central finding of numerous researches related to the level of injury and fatality which is highest in teens of the said age bracket. This lays the basic argument that teens are most vulnerable to getting hurt when driving. Because of this, the subject of injury and fatality prevention of researches in vehicular safety has been directed to teens.

More than being the primary cause of injury and death in teens, the high risk of driving-related incidents to teens also is tantamount to social costs. It has been found that people aged 15 to 24, while representative of only 14% of the entire United States population, are credited for $ 19 billion or 30 percent of the total costs of male vehicular injuries, while females account for $7 billion or 28 percent of the total costs in their gender group. (Finkelstein et al., 2006). In relation to the high risk with teens, the resulting elevated social costs are not surprising. With the government and various agencies realizing this, efforts to address and minimize these costs have been the core of every policy that has been conceptualized and implemented to address this problem.

&nbsp. In the outset, it is but apparent that the logical dual factors attributable to teen drivers bearing the highest risk of vehicular accidents are lack of experience and immaturity. Driving skills and judgment on-the-road need time to be developed and mastered. Young drivers suffer from these insufficiencies hence they are more prone to suffer driving-related injuries and deaths.

Realizing and recognizing this huge risk, a number of efforts have been established and implemented to minimize and address this concern.&nbsp.