creating a thesis and an outline on Asymmetric Key/Symmetric Key. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide.

I need help creating a thesis and an outline on Asymmetric Key/Symmetric Key. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. An abstract is required. Encryption Methods A symmetric encryption algorithm is constructed on the foundation of shared key information between the two ends or parties involved in the communication (Misra, Woungang, & Misra, 2009). If the sender utilizes the secret key to encrypt the information or message, the recipient will also use the same key for decrypting the message or information. Symmetric keys have advantages over other encryption techniques, as they are efficient in terms of saving energy (Misra, Woungang, & Misra, 2009). Moreover, symmetric encryption consumes less processing power and is comparatively faster. The size of the encrypted file is equal or less in comparison with the original file size. Furthermore, there are issues associated with key agreement, as they will impact the scalability of networks. In addition, the keys for encryption and decryption cannot be utilized by digital signatures (Symmetric and asymmetric ciphers, n.d.). An asymmetric encryption algorithm utilizes two keys for encrypting and decrypting the information or the message. Accordingly, the process is comparatively slower due to the processing of two keys. Moreover, the size also matters in a limited bandwidth network, as asymmetric encryption constructs larger encrypted file sizes. However, scalability or the increase in users is addressed and has no issues (Symmetric and asymmetric ciphers, n.d.). Furthermore, asymmetric encryption addresses confidentiality issues by encrypting the information and supports integrity and non repudiation by supporting digital signatures (Symmetric and asymmetric ciphers, n.d.). Applying Encryption Methods After discussing the advantages and disadvantages, we will now apply these techniques to the current scenario. ABC institute of research has a collaboration with XYZ inc. for performing research on genetics. The collaboration concludes that a computer network is involved in accessing highly sensitive information. Likewise, to ensure reliable safety, ABC institute of research can implement symmetric key algorithm techniques, as they do not impose high overhead due to single key processing as well as low encrypted file size. However, this method will not address confidentiality, integrity, and non repudiation at the same time. One more solution for addressing all the issues at the same time is to deploy both asymmetric and symmetric algorithm techniques altogether. Both of these techniques will address confidentiality, integrity, and non repudiation. However, before implementing both of these techniques simultaneously, ABC institute of research must ensure following objectives have been achieved: The encryption solution must be secure in every aspect The encryption and decryption process must not take a long time and should not put an overhead on the network. The size of the cipher must be compressed The encryption solution must also address the scalability issues The distribution of the keys must also be addressed Employing Advanced Encryption Techniques ABC institute of research can also incorporate quantum encryption techniques. However, these next generation encryption techniques are still in research and development and are not widely adopted.