creating a thesis and an outline on Early Adulthood Schizophrenia. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide.

I need help creating a thesis and an outline on Early Adulthood Schizophrenia. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. An abstract is required. Demanding a family history holds special importance for this reason when adopting a child because as schizophrenia has been reported by many credible researchers to be caused by heredity, adoption made without prying into the past history of that child can raise much concern both for the adopted child and the adopting family. It is identified by psychologists and psychiatrists that the peak period for onset of schizophrenia when schizophrenic symptoms like strange delusions, unreasonable hallucinations, disturbed speech and control, uncoordinated attention and movement, and gross paranoia typically start appearing is late adolescence or more commonly, early adulthood. This paper attempts to explore the wide subject of early adulthood schizophrenia with special reference to genetics and heredity in addition to discussing the way in which research unfolds transfer of schizophrenic germs through genes from parent to child. It is now impossible to overlook genetics as they essentially form important contributory factor of this complicated mental disease which is rare but still horrific with not a very good prognosis. Though the exact extent to which schizophrenia and heritability influence one another is not known yet, still scrutinizing this grave mental illness not in relation with heritability has become impossible now. Having a first-degree relative who has schizophrenia and is even formally diagnosed with it terrifically increases the risk of schizophrenia in apparently normal individuals related to that person (Picchioni & Murray, 2007). Genetics play a definite role in schizophrenia and the importance of this factor reaches up to the level of contribution made by environmental factors. According to a valid source, though schizophrenia affects only 1% population or even less than that, the risk of schizophrenia among first-degree biological relatives of a schizophrenic patient rises to about ten times higher than that observed in the normal population who do not happen to have a relative suffering from this disorder. “Given prevalence estimates, this translates into a 5 to 10 percent lifetime risk for first-degree relatives (including children and siblings) and suggests a substantial genetic component to schizophrenia” (Cannon et al., cited in, n.d.). This genetic transfer of schizophrenia raises serious concern for relative of schizophrenics because if the disorder does not get suppressed in time and it progresses into a full blown psychiatric disorder, then the chances of a normal life for the first-degree relatives are also put at stake. Research also shows that schizophrenia does not even spare twin children and if one twin develops signs and symptoms of schizophrenia in early adulthood, then the risk of this disease for the other twin also heightens. In majority of the cases, if one twin starts behaving in a manner which is identified with a schizophrenic individual according to medical science, the other twin also gets affected and influenced more often than not. The probability of schizophrenia affecting the first-degree relative is higher for identical twins than for non-identical twins. A number of genes in this regard responsible for passing on schizophrenia have been identified and discussed by genetic scientists and which have also helped much in terms of prevention and treatment.