need help with 5- 550 word essay reading assignments.
need help with 5- 550 word essay reading assignments.
SUMMARY- Clearly and succinctly summarize the authors central argument or main idea in your own words.
– Consider the circumstances of writing (e. g. Is the author responding to another writer’s ideas? If so, does he or she agree or disagree with these, or perhaps build upon them?). Context is important in understanding an author’s argument.
– Discuss the authors approach to the subject (e. g. What social issue is this about? What kind of communicative tactics or strategies are examined?)
– Briefly summarize the most significant points raised in the text
Evaluate the logical connection or relationship between the main arguments and secondary ideas (e. g. Ask yourself how, and if, these secondary ideas support the main argument).
– Respond critically to the texts by discussing the value(s) and/or limitation(s) of the authors’ positions, proofs, overall judgment of social movements.
– Directly relate your critique back to authors main argument or central idea.