prepare and submit a paper on job saisfaction. This leads them to be tired and stressed out.

Your assignment is to prepare and submit a paper on job saisfaction. This leads them to be tired and stressed out. Over a period of time, they may do the job just for the sake of doing it and not because they love to perform their work. 2. Bad bosses: If the immediate superior does not give the employee enough space to perform his or her job then it may lead to dissatisfaction in performing a job. In most cases, employees may not be given the freedom of empowerment which may affect their job satisfaction adversely. (, 2011). 3. Reward: Most organizations fail to recognize the potential of an employee and do not equally reward them thereby leading to dissatisfaction in job. Organizations must learn to reward performance of employees. A mere pat on the back or a word of praise may help an employee to remain loyal to his work. Also the human resource team must ensure that the employees are duly appraised for their work. This will lead them to job satisfaction which in turn will affect their performance level positively. 4. Providing opportunities to grow: Dissatisfaction to perform a particular job may result from the fact that there are no opportunities for the employee to grow in a current organization. An employee needs to be promoted as per his or her skills and talents so that he or she can perform better. 5. Type of work: Sometimes the type of job may also be responsible for propelling dissatisfaction in job.