prepare and submit a term paper on Identifying Conflict in Sonnys Blues and No Name No Woman.

You will prepare and submit a term paper on Identifying Conflict in Sonnys Blues and No Name No Woman. Your paper should be a minimum of 500 words in length. Sonny’s blues and No no woman Sonny’s blues In the text “Sonny Blues” by James Baldwin conflict can be identified from the writer’s storyline as he shares his life experience with his brother Sonny. The first type of conflict to evidence in the story is conflict of individual against self. The writer spots Sonny’s friend who had come to visit him and share with him the whereabouts of Sonny, but from the statement of the writer it is clear he did not like the him “ But now abruptly, I hated him. I couldn’t stand the way he looked at me, party like a dog…..” (Baldwin, 2009). Sonny’s friend was trying to make friendship with the writer, but the writer could no visualize any benefit that could come from him. The writer went ahead and equate Sonny’s friend to a dog on how he party. It clearly shows the animosity that the writer had against Sonny’s friend. Though they discussed and share thoughts the writer headed to the station, it is indisputable that the writer just wished they could part the next minute. Conflict of individual and self, in this case, the writer discards any motives Sonny’s friend uses to win friendship. In the text the writer could give Sonny’s friend some cents to buy cigarette but he deep down in him, he did not want.