research paper on tourism as a tool for reducing poverty. Needs to be 7 pages. Please no plagiarism.

Need an research paper on tourism as a tool for reducing poverty. Needs to be 7 pages. Please no plagiarism. Mkangi and Mbindyo, Kenya is an extremely fertile country, which stretches from the sea level in the eastern part to the snow-covered mountains to the north. Mountains that can be found in Kenya include Mt. Kenya, Mt. Elgon and Mt. Kilimanjaro, which also borders Tanzania. Its greatest feature includes the Great Rift Valley, found in the central and western part of the country. Also, there are a number of lakes and rivers found in Kenya, which include Lake Turkana, Lake Nakuru, Lake Naivasha, and Lake Bogoria among others while rivers include River Nzoia, Gori, Ewaso Ngiro, and Yala among others, which form part of Kenya’s Geography. Kenya does not perform quite well, but it is the largest economy in East Africa. The economy, based on the market with a few infrastructure enterprises owned by the state, also maintains an external liberal trade system. Adholla, Mkangi, and Mbindyo (2008) state that 70% of people in Kenya is employed in the agricultural sector in which half of the sector focuses on subsistence farming. The growth rate of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of Kenya has decreased over the last decade from 6.5% every year to 4% every year since independent and then to only 1.5% per year during the 1990s. Politically, Kenya has always been considered a stable country despite all the changes in its political system and conflicts in the neighboring countries. Tourism is the second largest export earner in Kenya after agriculture, which forms a crucial foundation for its economy.