Write a 5 pages paper on the power of nonviolence. Significantly, only an insignificant number is able to rebel against inequities, and they do it rarely. However, he postulated that, for those who have cramped life, they have nothing noble for acquiescence, even the mere submission to a deity (Zinn, 1959).

Write a 5 pages paper on the power of nonviolence. Significantly, only an insignificant number is able to rebel against inequities, and they do it rarely. However, he postulated that, for those who have cramped life, they have nothing noble for acquiescence, even the mere submission to a deity (Zinn, 1959).

It is worthwhile noting that. Muste has confessionary emphasized the role of being upright in all endeavors. He has persuaded people to abide by the right deeds and keep off the wrongdoers for each shall receive according to his efforts. Consequently, for one to engage, tolerate, or trade-in pacifism he is significantly not connected to passivism. Consequently, he has clearly provided a flourishing confessional approach to nonviolent confessions. Concisely, he has confessionary justified nonviolent revolutions by activists. Therefore, in a world based on violence, an individual must portray revolutionary aspects prior to pacifist qualities (Zinn, 1959).

My argument is that, based on a confessional approach, the author that Muste has not inspiring addressed the issue of nonviolence. Significantly, he has demeaned those individuals who would feel sorry for their deeds and would wish to decline their evil lives. For instance, he has argued that the evildoers do not have a right to access superior forces. Therefore, he has implied that the righteous have an enhanced right of access to the deities. Concisely, Muste has confessionary, provided divergent insights on the nonviolent revolution, due to his incredible remarks on the fate of individuals who are acquiescent.

Though A.J. Muste follows the logic of Christian nonviolence extremely carefully, the advantage of hindsight, this module explores the argument in pacifism as naive when adapted to the political realities of Muste’s time.

Current research has revealed that, once a certain war is over the challenge, is always based on the victor. Significantly, the above crisis erupts from the friction where there is a problem to identify the agent of teaching the victor. Consequently, there is hardly any other way towards peaceful coexistence apart from the peace itself.