Write a 6 pages paper on the attainment gap in education.

Write a 6 pages paper on the attainment gap in education. Studies, for example, the Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children (ALSPAC) and The Longitudinal Study of Young and People in England have observed children from early childhood to late adolescence and explained the effects in educational attainment. Migration and the extent of globalization make the national population be more diverse therefore educationists need to understand and work with the differences productively. For example, in Australia, more than a quarter of all the school students have other languages as their first other than English yet the population teaching is mostly Anglo-Australian. Most of the teachers in Australian universities have fairly restricted opportunities to interact with other people from different linguistic and cultural backgrounds based on the above fact (Santoro, Kamler, and Reid 2001).

The minority population in the UK has grown quite fast partly due to population growth and the influx of immigrants making Britain have a very diverse population. Racism among individuals and within institutions disadvantages people because their ethnic origins manifest themselves in many aspects of their daily lives. Even though legislation was introduced in 2000 to address racism in public institutions, the progress has been quite slow. Public institutions, therefore, need to confront racism within their quarters. Equality of status in the United Kingdom is unequally offered and the struggles have often led to violence.

Educational attainment in terms of school qualifications and achievement in the highest level of education for black people and Asians is in most cases lower than the average nationally for most minority groups.&nbsp.Discrimination in the system of education starts at quite an early age despite the main ethnic groups achieving higher standards. The attainment gap between the rich and the poor children in the United Kingdom is narrowing but at a slow pace. Therefore, the chances of pupils that are on free school meals succeeding are less than 50% although the blacks have made progress at a faster rate. There are significant differences between the rich and the poor in the attainment of levels 2 and 3 by 19-year-old children.