Complete 16 pages APA formatted article: Integration of Theology and Counseling. Genesis 1:26-27 notes God created human beings in His “image” and “likeness”.
Complete 16 pages APA formatted article: Integration of Theology and Counseling. Genesis 1:26-27 notes God created human beings in His “image” and “likeness”.
The concept of the image of God that has raised controversies with some asserting the image of God is the immaterial, spiritual soul placed in humans with scholars of Theology such as Calvin (2012)asserting the image of God resides in the soul. A second concept of human nature opposes the presupposition of dualism between the human body and soul insisting this it is not presented in the creation accounts. This interpretation of the creation account insists man did not receive a soul from God but was made a living soul. This argument is based on the line of thought that animals were also made “living souls” (Genesis 1:20, 21, 24, 30. 2:19) yet animals do not represent the image of God. Therefore, the image of God in human beings is not found in the soul but in the distinctive moral and rational capabilities that God gave humanity to replicate His moral character. In the same vein, conformity to the image of Jesus as envisioned in Roman 8:29 and 1 Corinthian 15:49 is not understood on the basis of the immortal soul entrenched in the human nature, but is portrayed in acts of righteousness and holiness by human beings.
The fall of human beings when Adam and Eve consumed the forbidden fruit did not transform the composition of human nature. However, what transformed is the state or condition of existence which made it possible for human beings to die. The existence of the “tree of life” in the Garden of Eden means that immortality in human nature was subject to the consumption of the fruit of that tree, therefore, to ensure that the sinful humanity does not “live forever”, (Genesis 3:22),God placed a barrier to cut off human access to the tree of life (Genesis 3:22-23).