Complete 6 pages APA formatted article: Bibical Thelogy of Mission.

Complete 6 pages APA formatted article: Bibical Thelogy of Mission. Biblical (Old and New Testament) Texts That Relate To Mission The theology of missions is wholly a biblical concept.1 A careful and spiritual analysis of the bible reveals a solid foundation for missions. The biblical texts prove that missions are not an afterthought creation of God, but rather an intention emanating from his providential nature. According to Glasser (2003), Missio Dei concept confirms the truth that the biblical mission begins with God.2 In reference to Genesis 3 that describes the fall of man, God is exemplified as initiating a mission to rescue man kind from the bondage of sin and guide him back to His fold. The chapter introduces the aspect of mission that dominates the Old and New and Testament, with God strategizing to reach out to human beings. One of the relevant Old Testament texts that discuss the concept of God’s mission upon human being’s life is Genesis 12: 1-3 that offers the description of the Abrahamic Covenant. The passage captures God initiating a covenant with Abram who later undergoes spiritual transformation to Abraham. God explained to him His intention of making him a great nation, bless him and those that bless him as well as curse those who curse him. While commissioning His mission to Abraham, the passage asserts, “.