submit a 2250 words paper on the topic The Scarcity of Resources in the World. Freshwater is a basic human necessity.

Hi, need to submit a 2250 words paper on the topic The Scarcity of Resources in the World. Freshwater is a basic human necessity. We need it for drinking, sanitation and personal hygiene, irrigation, hydroelectricity, for the natural resources it contains (such as fish), to preserve ecological balance, as part of our cultural mythology and for enjoyment (as part of the scenery). Flowing river water is a common resource which confers user rights but no private ownership rights. Groundwater, on the other hand, is subject to private ownership and therefore vulnerable to excess exploitation. This also makes groundwater harvesting practices more scattered and difficult to implement and monitor As more and more parts of the world face increasing water shortages and water commoditization, the issue of water scarcity – how it is perceived, problematized and the consequences in the form of policy responses – becomes crucial. Postel (2008) sums up the problem cogently: