submit a 250 words paper on the topic SUEERIZE. 6 May, Summary: Xavantes lived in the seminomadic tribe till 1940 and were completely uncivilized.

Hi, need to submit a 250 words paper on the topic SUEERIZE. 6 May, Summary: Xavantes lived in the seminomadic tribe till 1940 and were completely uncivilized. When game decreased, Xavantes would migrate to other lands. This helped the declining animal populations to flourish. However, this trend finished in 1960s, when areas started to link up. The increased contact with other areas caused the Indians to get settled. As the Xavantes tribe managed to achieve their reserve’s demarcation, Sedentary habits started to become extinct. Xavantes have since then, perfectly secured themselves from outside attacks, though the nature is too difficult to cope with. The economic strength of a nation restricts the conservation. Poor countries are not very conscious about environment and generally look for technological advancement and education, food, health and safety. International agencies help poor countries unite their conservation programs with their economy. Organization of the “debt for nature swap” in 1987 helped Bolivia get $650,000 as debt for 160,000 sq m of forest. These days, the very area serves as a biposphere reserve. There is a complete ecosystem whose central zone is so carefully controlled that interference is not possible. Nonetheless, it is permissible to conduct research in the transition zone. In order to provide the ecosystem with complete security, a buffer zone is added. Such ecosystems in the whole world are above 250 in number.