write an article on Knapps Relationship Model. It needs to be at least 1500 words.

Hello, I am looking for someone to write an article on Knapps Relationship Model. It needs to be at least 1500 words. The parties are involved in slight communications between each other thus personal judgments would not be accurate. Each person will be concerned with making positive impressions with one another. The physical appearance plays a big role in making a favorable impression during the first meeting. Such physical appearances may include the way of dressing, the perfume they use as well as the overall appearance. There are skills involved in the way one presents him or herself. In business relationships, the parties ask one another about professions, demographics as well as other shared interests (Perlman & Vangelisti 567). In my situation, I was a bank clerk and saw an attractive girl within my job place who was one of our customers. I just saw her within the bank’s premises and planned to approach her the next time she visited the bank. She came and I decided to come out of the counter to meet her, I greeted her and asked her name and thanked her for being our esteemed client. We planned to meet briefly at a certain place three days later. That marked the initiation stage of our relationship.