writing homework on Employees as a Labor Expense.

Need help with my writing homework on Employees as a Labor Expense. Write a 1750 word paper answering; It takes staff skills to prevent conflicts with customers, a staff skilled enough for recovery from complaints, a staff that value time as not to be engaged in squabbling and conflict with coworkers, and a staff that gives utmost importance for teamwork (Resources to Prevent and Deal with Workplace Conflict for Service and Hospitality Staff. Retrieved: April 26, 2008). Conflict prevention is one aspect that the management team should focus on since it saves time, stress, and keeps things in control. A good hospitality and service management scheme will lead to having everybody as the winner ( Georgiades and Macdonell 1998). Customers feel that they are treated well and received good treatment, employees feel that they are treated well by the management and experience a strong liking for their job, and the management feels happy that it meets its objectives by employees working together and customers who keep coming for service satisfaction.

Hospitality and service workplaces are however not as ideal as what this paper attempts to describe. Instead, they are assailed by a myriad of issues and problems. Diverse attitudes, perspectives, beliefs, and preferences of each customer, employee, and member of the management basically cause this. Streamlining these preferences and attitudes will entail a probing of what kind of service the customer wants to receive. There is also a need to streamline management objectives with that of the needs of the employees since they are the direct performers of these services.

Managers view employees as labor expense than a capital asset. This may be seen in the lack of training and skills programs regularly conducted on employees and staff to enable them to be equipped enough with skills development. Gravish (2006) points out in a study conducted on hotel employee satisfaction that skills development training is considered only when there is a problem to be addressed or an imminent difficulty to be resolved. Training activities for employees are not conducted on a regular basis, but only as a resolution for some problems. In the study, it was found out that “recurring skills improvement&nbsp.training was non-existent, unless in response to specific problems or mandated by the brand” (ibid).