Create a 6 pages page paper that discusses sedimentary rocks.

Create a 6 pages page paper that discusses sedimentary rocks. There are three ways in which sedimentary rocks are formed. “Cemented fragments of rocks worn from the land” get deposited at a surface and on the beds of water bodies to get hardened and become sedimentary rocks (Park, 2001, p.196). This formation is a process of slow settling. Secondly, the “organic materials and remains of once-living things” are deposited in a particular place, as sediment, to get hardened into rocks (Park, 2001, p.196). Thirdly, “chemicals deposited from water” precipitate to become yet another kind of sedimentary rock (Park, 2001, p.196). These three kinds of particles are either transported from a source area through soil erosion or are created in the same location itself.

Thus sedimentary rocks thus can be categorized into three- clastic rocks, chemical precipitate rocks and biogenic rocks. Sedimentary rocks formed by deposits of weathered rock fragments, transported from elsewhere, are called clastic sedimentary rocks. These kinds of rocks are mostly composed of quartz. They may also have contents like feldspar, other minerals, clay minerals, etc. Breccia and sandstone are two examples of clastic sedimentary rocks ( Park, 2001, p.197). The grain size of this category of rocks will be very small and ranges from 0.002 mm to 263 mm (Wild, 1993, p.39). Among them, Shales contain the finest grains.

The next category is biogenic sedimentary rocks. This kind of rock is created by particles from living things. Corals, mollusks, carbonate minerals like limestone, coal, etc. are included in this section. Botkin and Keller (1995, p.55) have observed that “life processes play an important role in the rock cycle through the incorporation of carbon into rocks. bio-sedimentary processes produce rocks such as limestone.”.

Chemical sedimentary rocks are the third group in sedimentary rocks. This kind of rock is formed when minerals dissolved in a solution get oversaturated. And they precipitate to form a rock structure.&nbsp.