creating a thesis and an outline on You Cannot Value Life as Life Has No Value. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide

I need help creating a thesis and an outline on You Cannot Value Life as Life Has No Value. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. An abstract is required. Not only does the job require immense physical capability but also a strong mental make-up as they have to stay away from family and friends for prolonged periods. The shipping industry requires workers who can work strenuously for long hours without breaks and very often their working conditions are hazardous, to say the least. Sea workers have to work overtime for long periods for the economic benefits of the shipping company and the long hours ultimately take a toll on their health. Injuries as well as extreme fatigue are usual occurrences in a seafarer’s life. Illnesses like sea-sickness and scurvy are common, mainly due to lack of vitamin C in the diet. A study shows that the mortality rates of female seafarers are more than that of their male counterparts. This is mainly due to fatal accidents, lung cancer, and other deadly diseases which are the outcome of excessive intake of tobacco and improper diets.