prepare and submit a term paper on Grand Opening and Market Briefing in East India Finance Company. Your paper should be a minimum of 500 words in length. Grand Opening and Market Briefing in East India Finance Company

You will prepare and submit a term paper on Grand Opening and Market Briefing in East India Finance Company. Your paper should be a minimum of 500 words in length. Grand Opening and Market Briefing in East India Finance Company


TO:&nbsp.Store Manager, Store Assistant Manager, Retail Clerks, Advertising Manager, Sales Manager, Sales People, Accountant


DATE:&nbsp.June 25, 2011


The time is here for the grand opening of our company. As you all know we are organising and event to launch our company. It is a proud occasion and the management before the grand opening wants to meet all the contributors and the employees’ of the company.

Meeting Details

Date: 3rd Wednesday 2011

Time: 11:00 A.M.

Location: Boardroom

The respective heads are advised to make their plans and suggestions in order to make this grand opening a success. The Store Manager and Store Assistant are advised to be prepared to take orders if they come their way during the event only. The Sales should have a clear cut details regarding how they would deal with the interested retailers or business partner enquires. The most important aspect to raise the visibility of our company should be taken care of and a proper plan is expected from the Advertising Manager.

All the other people who have been addressed in this letter are advised to be present at the meeting. It is expected that they provide their valuable suggestions to make the grand opening event a grand success. If anyone has any queries regarding their assigned duties and responsibilities can contact the General Manager and discuss regarding their doubts. The meeting is scheduled to take place at the company head office on 15th of June 2011 and everyone is expected to have their tasks ready by that day.

Thank You

General Manager

Investment Finance Company


TO:&nbsp.Marketing Manager, Sales Manager, Marketing Executives, and Production Manager.


DATE:&nbsp.June 15, 2011

SUBJECT:&nbsp.Market Briefing!

The Following is the current position of our market hold. The figure depicts how we are performing in the northern territory of our city. All the concerned people to the company are requested to have a look at the trends and provide their observations to the management soon.

As we see that our market share which was about 12% a year before has shot up to 14% this year. It is improvement in terms of our expansion plans. However if we look at the potential market that is available out there we see a great potential. We observe that we can double our market share if we are able to deliver what the customers are expecting out of us. Also the number of loyal customers needs to be increased in order to get a better grip of the market. The percentage of new customers that is stated to increase next year is also great i.e. 3.6% and if we deliver as per the market demands we can gain the first mover advantage. For our new range of products we would like the respective department heads to plan out the best strategy to cover the still to be explored market segment of about 10.6%.

Therefore the results are out and its time for us to be happy for our performance as well as its time for all the concerned people of the company to prepare the inroads for a brighter future of the company.