write an article on Bad Language. It needs to be at least 1750 words. It can either be defined as a language that is considered as a taboo.

Hello, I am looking for someone to write an article on Bad Language. It needs to be at least 1750 words. It can either be defined as a language that is considered as a taboo. It is also a term that is used to express the emotions and feelings of individuals (Anderson & Trudgill, Pp 53). Some swearing terms refer to a taboo of a certain culture but when used they illustrate emotions of individuals. For instance, a word like shit refers to a taboo, but when used represents the emotions of an individual. Swearing terms are sometimes used to represent the emotions of individuals in certain situations. For instance, a person may use the word damn it when he misses a bus, and he is late for work. Swearing is used when blasphemy words are used in conversations. This is a form of vulgar language since people use religious words disrespectful. This occurs when individuals swear by heavenly creatures and hell. Some people also commit blasphemy through swearing by body parts and functions. Words that are used to swear with body functions include piss off and sod. Sod is used to represent homosexuality, which is a form of vulgar language.

Swearing words are used to illustrate taboo behaviors and words in different contexts. There are words that are not supposed to be used by individuals in public. A word like mother fucker is a taboo word yet people use it anyhow when expressing their emotions (Anderson & Trudgill, Pp 67). There are many taboo behaviors and words that are connected to food, religion, death, and many other aspects. Some actions are taboo, but this does not mean they are entirely forbidden. Sex is a taboo action, but when done at the right time and place it becomes a motivating factor. There are commandments in the Bible that do not tolerate swearing and cursing. These commandments warn people on swearing and cursing because it may result in punishment. People who disrespect religious terms should be punished according to verses in the Bible.

For a person to be accused of using vulgar language, it depends on the situation and context he has used this&nbsp.language.&nbsp.