Consumer Behavior



Personality tests are used quite frequently today for a variety of purposes. These range from the human resources department identifying the candidate who is the most likely to fit in and succeed within the organization to marketers identifying certain personality characteristics of customers who might be the most interested in its product(s). This would be considered the primary target market. Google personality tests relating to consumer buying. Using concepts discussed in this unit’s lesson, compile a paper that addresses how personality tests conducted by marketers aid them in understanding their target market. Make sure to address the topics below.
Identify a personality test used by marketers, describe how it works, and identify the type of information that might be provided to a marketer by this test.
Explain how consumers interpret information about products and people through their perceptions, learning, and memory.
Describe how self-perception influences consumers’ buying decisions.
Explore how the intricacies of consumers’ personalities affect their buying decisions and, ultimately, their lifestyle choices.


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